
Showing posts from May, 2013

Angstrom / Linux

This is a nice question I have answered as well. It's about setting up boot scripts for BeagleBone/Angstrom hope it helps :)

Android / Beaglebone

Notes on Android OS 1. After downloading Android sdk linux, under "platform-tools" directory, the executable file "adb" is used in shell and then Android console is available. For this purpose, the usb connection was done and in the shell, inside the platform-tools directory: ./adb kill-server (server stop) ./adb devices (find the connected devices) ./adb shell (access to device console) commands was typed. Thus, accessing the files in device is successful :) 2.   We planned to send and play some video files after some manipulation on them so that testing the video performance of the device. So the commands typed: ffmpeg -i video.avi (gives the tecnical details about video.avi) ffmpeg -i video.avi -ss 10 -t 20 -r 24 -b:v 1000k -minrate 1000k -s 640x360 -vcodec copy -acodec copy video.mp4 (arguments respectively; -ss starting time -t duration -r fps ratio -b:v bitrate ratio (as kB) -minrate minimum bitrate ratio (kB) -s resolution -vcodec v...